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[Serious] Rich people of reddit, what don't they tell you about being rich?
Main Post: [Serious] Rich people of reddit, what don't they tell you about being rich?
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Relatives or friends wanting to borrow money and resenting you for not helping when they "really need it." Helping out because of a medical emergency is one thing. Taking your kids to Disney World then asking for money for the rent makes us wonder if you're playing us for a sucker. "We can spend our money on fun things because we deserve it and so-and-so will help out with the bills. After all we're family."
What is it like living as a moderately wealthy person in the US?
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I'm talking relative wealth - you're rich when compared to most of your fellow countrymen. Not talking about being the 1% either, just rich enough to be upper class.
I'm asking because my family is considered upper middle class in my country, but if we moved to USA then our wealth would make us straight up middle class.
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I once dated a girl whose family invented window cleaning solution and sold it to Johnson and Johnson, so I can only provide small examples.
Their lives weren't much different than mine, other than having a nicer house and different spending habits. My girlfriend decided to buy a Porche Cayman S one day because her other car was giving her trouble.
I hated driving around in that thing because we looked like douchebags. I tried to take my car whenever possible.
Her mom was also the stereotypical trophy wife who didn't like me because she thought her daughter needed a doctor or lawyer instead. Her mom was a big reason I broke up with her.
The rest of her family were really cool though. You'd have no idea they were loaded. They didn't care who you were or where you came from. They entertained themselves the same way middle or lower class people would. Her brother would always be at dive bars watching UCF and stuff.
[Serious] Rich people of Reddit who were not born rich - how did you get rich?
Main Post: [Serious] Rich people of Reddit who were not born rich - how did you get rich?
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I'm a child of immigrants who was raised by the state. I grew up in a mix of foster and group home. Once I turned 18 I was given a packet with my important documents and released on my own. I had nothing to my name and no where to go so I joined the Marines. I spent 6 years deployed and saved every penny that I could. I lived in the barracks, ate at the galley and drove an '86 jimmy I bought cash. After getting my dd-214 I took my savings and bought a small shop and printer. For the next two years I literally lived in my shop and ate rice and ketchup. I built my sign shop from the ground up. Now I employ 12 full timers and 4 part timers. My net worth is close to 8 figures. I still work every day though.
Edit. Thanks for the gold! To clear some things up I've been in business for almost a decade now. My primary income comes from several large national contracts building pylons, channel letters and large scale outdoor signs. Most of my net worth is tied up in my company. It takes a lot of expensive machinery to do this type work. Also I had my small shop expanded and bought two others really cheap. Due to the city getting richer and gentrification my property value has skyrocketed. I rent out the other two buildings to separate businesses so I get income from them as well. The downside is property taxes have risen with the value so paying that sucks.
Redditors that work directly for the super wealthy (let's say net worth 20 million and up) what are some of your best/worst stories?
Main Post: Redditors that work directly for the super wealthy (let's say net worth 20 million and up) what are some of your best/worst stories?
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I worked for a guy who had some pretty major stakes in the oil business, he was pretty cool, but very weird about his money. He wanted these crazy projects done but he always hired local kids to work for him, I was his landscaper (only had a 2 year landscape degree at the time) and didn't make all that much money.
His wife owned like 100+ sheep, just because she found it fun.
His entire basement was full of survival supplies for when the world ends.
He once asked me to price out installing a helicopter landing pad in his backyard in case anyone ever has a heart attack at one of his dinner parties.
He had a second house on site, which he used to house his German Shepherds.